This white flowering Crape Myrtle is a perfect all-seaon tree: full white flowers in panicles in summer, excellent fall color and stunning exfoliating cinnamon bark. zone 7
Author Archives: Lucile Whitman
Hopi (Lagerstroemia x ‘Hopi’)
Fantasy (Lagerstroemia faurii ‘Fantasy’)
The faurii species is the parent that the breeders hae been using to make crepe myrtles disease resistant and hardy and this is a selected form for its incredible bark. Zone 6.
Dynamite (Lagerstroemia ‘Dynamite’)
Dynamite is a midsized tree (12′) with close to true red flowers.
Catawba (Lagerstroemia x ‘Catawba’)
Bushy (8′ after 10 years) purple flowers but very late blooming in Oregon
Arapaho (Lagerstroemia x ‘Arapaho’)
Arapaho is a tree form hybrid; dense blooming red in August here in Oregon.
Purple Robe (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’)
Lacy Lady (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Lacy Lady’)
This contorted dwarf black locust is a picturesque addition to a garden; the amazing twisting branches will spread out as far as it will grow tall (15′). It produces no flowers, but the curly leaves make up for it. zone 3
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Frisia (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’)
Somewhat smaller than species, this tree still is 45′ but its yellow-green foliage summer makes the day brighter in the gloomiest weather. Zone 4.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Weeping Birch (Betula pendula ‘Youngii’)
Triangular leaves on lightly weeping thin twiggy branches; tall tree. Zone 2.
Size: Graft | Price: $14.00 |