Traditional English Walnut; very flavorful; medium sized
Size: Bareroot 3′-6′ | Price: $18.00 |
Black walnut is coveted more for the wood than the fruit. If however you want the fruit ask for Cooksey which is our mild flavored black walnut. it appears small but is full of available nut; can be cracked out half and sometimes whole. This you have to order. Otherwise you get seedling tree.
Size: bareroot 3′-6′ | Price: $18.00 |
These Chestnut trees bear large nuts at a young age (many are bearing in the nursery row). The tree may get to be 35′ and would be classified an attractive shade tree. Also you need two for pollenization unless you have a neighbor with a chestnut (Castanea). Don’t mix this up with Aesculus–horsechestnut and not edible. zone 5
Size: Bareroot 3′-4′ | Price: $18.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Old time cultivar selected for hardiness and fruit quality; black medium sized berries.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
This tree is not contorted like Snakethorn or Contorted Filbert, it is more wavy, but growing wider than tall (20’10), it is a graceful tree.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Very sweet white fruit; won’t stain sidewalk; ideal for drying. Zone 5.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Fruit similar to Illinois but the tree is better suited to the Southeast.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |