A large-leafed japonicum with excellent fall color.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Vitifolium (Acer japonicum ‘Vitifolium’)
The name means ‘grape-leafed’, and that is what the large leaves resemble; the tree can get up to 30 feet or a little more in a graceful open sort of droopy habit. As with other japonicums, the fall color is varied with oranges, yellows, purples etc. You can see a leaf changing on the left side of the picture. zone 5
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Otaki (Acer japonicum ‘Otaki’)
Round, sharply lobed, large leaves with great fall color make this one of my favorite Japonicums zone 5.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
O isami (Acer japonicum ‘O isami’)
A japonicum with incised leaves, but not as deeply as Aconitifolium. Grows fairly quickly to 25′ in a rangy sort of way but ends up with a graceful wide round head. Wonderful fall color. zone 6
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Meigetsu (Acer japonicum ‘Meigetsu’)
Green Cascade (Acer japonicum ‘Green Cascade’)
Emmit’s Pumpkins (Acer japonicum ‘Emmit’s Pumpkin’)
Another in my series of ‘What’s in a Name’: everything. Emmett’s Pumpkin seems to promise what is most prized: orange color with a twist: pumpkinisity; I’m thinking this leaf is going to be round and fat and gloriously orange, and in the fall it is, but the rest of the year, the color is way bland. I will need to study this plant outside before I give it two thumbs up.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Attaryi (Acer japonicum ‘Attaryi’)
Openly branched pendulous tree to 30′. Attaryi has deeply cleft leaves similar to Aconitifolium, but much larger. Many hued fall color: scarlet to yellow. I am ashamed of this picture! The colors should be gorgeous, not brownish! Zone 5.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Aconitifolium (Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’)
When mature, the tree is fairly open branched and drooping, sort of like a 20′ umbrella; like other japonicums, the fall color is spectacular
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |