‘Miss Molly’ is a vigorous 8’ cultivar with gorgeous flowers of an indescribable fuscia-esque color. Hardy, pest resistant (including deer), and totally prunable.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $25.00 |
Doing inventory this week, I was attracted at the bottom of the nursery by the incredible fragrance of a row of Buddleia ‘Blue Chip Jr’ ; but not just the fragrance, it was alive with Swallowtail butterflies. Some people worry about Buddleia because the genus was banned a few years ago on the grounds that it was invasive, but happily the breeders got busy and came up with new non seeding cultivars. Of which I sell two: Miss Molly, a vigorous 8’ cultivar with gorgeous flowers of an indescribable fuscia-esque color, and this one, which is a dwarf blue-purple. These plants are hardy, pest resistant (including deer), and totally prunable. What’s not to like?
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $25.00 |
Is this eye-catching, or what? Ever since my heart was broken by Forest Pansy death syndrome, I have been leery of Cercis, but then I started being lured back by the likes of Covey (Lavender Twist) and Appalachian Red–and I never really let go of Oklahoma–but when i started growing Rising Sun, I became a believer again–altho I hear when it gets really big it can be brittle, but lordy, let it break and grow back hard and let me watch apricot turn to gold every day!
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $25.00 |
Size: fieldgrown | Price: $95.00 |
Davidia involucrata ‘Lady Sunshine’ is the showiest of all the Davidias out of the flower period because of the incredibly bright variegation; this is a good thing because the tree takes forever to actually start flowering- much like the species in general (see other posts for exceptions). The tree is smaller than species and slower growing but perfect in a shady location to bring light into a shady part of the garden. zone 6
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 | Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
This new introduction from Plant Haven is stunning. The foliage is a shiny purple turning dark green in the shade and the bell flowers opening in June really stand out. There are some other new Styraxes coming out, but this is my favorite. And can you believe I have that stupid hose in the background? Zone 5.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 | Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 | Size: Field grown | Price: $85.00 |
Vase shaped, but very narrow to 45′. Orange in fall. Zone 5.
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $30.00 | Size: Field grown | Price: $115.00 |
This is a perfect street tree: 45′, vase habit, good fall color, no fruit dropped on sidewalk, but a little much for the normal garden.
Size: Graft | Price: $17.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $85.00 |