This is the hottest of the hot new snakebarks. The leaves are small a brightly variegated with white and the twigs are bright red all summer. In the winter the trunk is pink striped. Zone 6.
Size: 2 gallon | Price: $50.00 |
Dogwoods | Ginkgos | Magnolias | Maples |
Miscellaneous Plants | Other Plant Groups |
Smaller than species, but similar in form and leaf, this tree in winter has stunning red and white striped bark which does not diminish with age (as in A.p.Sangokaku) Very rare as it is difficult to propagate. Zone 4.
Size: Graft | Price: $14.00 |
Size: 2 gallon | Price: $50.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $105.00 |
Commonly known as Paperbark Maple because of the bark peeling from a smooth golden trunk, this trifoliate maple which grows slowly to 25′ has four season interest, and is lovely in any landscape. zone 5
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
This medium growing 20′), loosely branched, large leafed tree has the most astounding fall color of any Asian maple.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Acer takeshimense is not a tree for a small garden. It grows reasonably quickly (10 years) to 25′, but if you have the room it is a killer. The leaves are dark green in summer, glossily orbicular (my favorite shape), but the fall color shreds (this is a modern youth word, I believe, which means ‘is fantastic’). It is listed as a subspecies of pseudosieboldianum and as such would be super hardy.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Acer distylum has an unlobed leaf; the tree can reach 20′ in 10 years; fall color yellow. zone 6.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Supposedly this tree has white bark with black stripes–well, not quite, but it is a vigorous snakebark to 25′. Zone 6.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
A teg. ‘Joe Witt’ is a Great Plant Pick; as far as I can tell, it is very similar to White Tigress.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Sensu is one of the new shirasewanums that have a more divided leaf thought to be perhaps a cross with palmatum. Green in the summer, it is outstanding in the fall as this photo from Winch shows.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |
Ogurayama, as you can see, is a small round-headed tree; the leaves have a sort of gold cast in the summer, and altho this photo doesn’t catch it, there is a lot of gold in the fall color. The leaves are a little more oblong and somewhat larger than Sode no Uchi.
Size: Graft | Price: $19.00 |
Size: 1 gallon | Price: $35.00 |
Size: Field grown | Price: $130.00 |